Cleaning the surface of a vehicle

How Can I Better Care for My Car?

Keep Your Car in Top Shape with These Tips

If you are like most people, you practically live in your car. Between your daily drives, keeping belongings in the cargo area, and munching on snacks as you drive home from work, your car gets quite the use. If you want to keep your car in top shape so it retains some of its retail value, you are not alone. This blog will go over a few areas where you can start taking better care of your vehicle.

Recognize Your Interior Space & Daily Habits

The interior of your vehicle says something to your passengers. If there are wrappers everywhere, they will be less than impressed. Consider keeping a plastic trash bag in your car. Put a new one in there at the start of the week, and on Friday when you get home from work toss the bag. Not only will this keep your space clean, but it will help with keeping critters and bugs out of your vehicle. Keep fabric-safe wipes in your vehicle in case of spills. The quicker you can clean sticky spills on the floor or seats, the better. You may also want to take the time to vacuum the floors, seats, and cargo area a few times a year.

A technician inspecting a vehicle

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Be Aware of Your Vehicle’s Exterior

It is important to be aware of your vehicle’s exterior wear and tear. This is harder to control since there are many outside factors that can scratch or dent your vehicle. If you have a garage, utilize it as much as possible when the vehicle is not in use. Try to avoid parking your car under trees. Branches could fall and either dent or scratch your roof. Trees that produce sap or fruits can fall and stick to the roof. The paint could chip if you attempt to remove the sap. When running errands, try to park away from other vehicles. If this is not possible, try to park near a nice, newer vehicle.

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Vehicle Maintenance & Your Driving Style

A technician changing the tire in a vehicle

The maintenance of your vehicle and your driving style plays a huge role in wear and tear. Make sure you get your vehicle serviced regularly based on your owner’s manual. Do not skip those oil changes, even if you feel like one is not needed. If a dashboard light turns on, get it checked out immediately. As for your driving style, try to refrain from accelerating or braking too hard. Slow and steady is the way to go. Slamming on the brakes or accelerator not only wears them out, but they can cause the tread on your tires to wear down. Be more aware of your driving style and the sounds coming from your vehicle and you will be surprised by how well your vehicle will hold up.